Frequently Asked Questions
Senior Capstone
C O U N S E L I N G & C A R E E R C E N T E R

The mantra of the Capstone is TRANSITION. You will transition away from subject-centric learning to a real-life experience that the you believe to be relevant to your next stage in life. You will utilize the knowledge and skills you have acquired over the past 12 years in school, as well as many 21st century skills, to successfully complete Capstone.
The Capstone will showcase your abilities in reading, writing, public speaking, critical thinking, planning and implementation, self-discipline, problem solving, and organizational skills. The goal of the Capstone is for you to stretch - to participate in and demonstrate a new area of learning and growth.
Most importantly, the Capstone should focus on an area about which you are passionate and be something you will have FUN doing!
You will develop a Capstone project with the assistance of your teacher as well as the Capstone Coordinator, Brian Rose, who can be reached or 503.974.5135.
February 10th: DUE- Proposal for late starters
February 24th: DUE- Intermediate progress report
- Research documentation and/or samples of work product
- Anything else that demonstrate progress toward completion
April 14th: DUE- Senior Capstone Project Reflection Paper rough-draft and Presentation outline
April 19th-23rd: Senior Capstone Project Reflection Paper feedback to students
May 3rd: DUE-
- Senior Capstone Project Portfolio
- Senior Capstone Project Presentations to Capstone Administrator in electronic format
May 10th-24th: Senior Capstone Project Presentations/Interviews
June 3rd: Graduation
The Senior Capstone Project (”Capstone”) is a graduation requirement for all seniors attending AllPrep Academies & Early Colleges. You will receive one credit upon successful completion of the Capstone.