Frequently Asked Questions
ACT-Actions Changing Tomorrow

Actions Changing Tomorrow
What is ACT?
ACT is an on-line course that promotes service-learning as a valued component of a student’s educational process. ACT creates a deeper academic understanding by connecting civics, career, and life skill lessons with service to the community. The primary philosophy of ACT is that all students should feel empowered and given a voice in addressing and solving real community problems.
What are the benefits of Service Learning?
Extends learning beyond the classroom and into the community.
Promotes lifelong civic engagement and citizenship.
Helps foster personal and social responsibility.
Promotes learning through active participation in service experiences.
Students gain valuable experience that is recognized by colleges, scholarship organizations, and employers.
Has real world value and significance.
What are the course requirements for ACT students?
Each participating student is required to do at least 25 hours of service with non-profit organizations. Once students are engaged in their service projects, they continue to learn by discussing, sharing and reflecting on their service activities through the on-line curriculum and student forum.
ACT is a graduation requirement. Students need ONE credit of this course to be in good academic standing. Students will receive a grade of Pass or No Pass based on their participation.
How do I get started?
Please contact the ACT Coordinator, Kimberly Linn.
An individual ACT account will be created for you on the ACT website
Phone #: 503.729.3700
C O U N S E L I N G & C A R E E R C E N T E R